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The Tortured Sweethearts Department

The Tortured Sweethearts Department

I've recently felt inspired to share a more personal side of my life on the blog. I just turned 27 which is such a special age, I'm loving the coastal life with my dog, Captain, and am enjoying the sense of self-discovery and confidence this chapter in life has brought!

Many of my friends and followers are in different stages of life, with significant others, marriages, and relationships. While I'm cherishing my own phase of independence, I'm also finding humor and relatability in the world of modern dating.

So, you'll probably notice a few more dating stories in future blog posts, to give you a glimpse behind the curtain of the heart flutters, mishaps, and adventures in the world of romance. In this technology-centric, social media-driven world, there can be a lot to unpack!

(Shout out: If you have a son/brother/friend who is mature and you want to nominate him to be my boyfriend, please send him my way and you can win free needlepoint for life!!! Sort of joking but not really joking.)

In line with that, I'm thrilled to introduce a new collection that's close to my heart (literally!), in partnership with Needle Nola aka Needle Arts in New Orleans! As a lover of 13-mesh canvas, I've always admired their playful heart series, especially the cheeky, "You Up?" heart. I reached out to them with the idea of collaborating and together, we've created a collection that captures the humor and spirit of our conversations.

Inspired by the modern, funny sayings that get us through the ups-and-downs of love and relationships, this series features a range of funny quips for single girls, those in serious relationships, and some for the girls who want to celebrate their friendships!

The Tortured Sweethearts Department series launches at Noon on Tuesday, April 30th and includes eight canvases on 13 mesh. The canvases are approximately 8" x 8" with the heart designs being approximately 3.5" x 3.5". Each canvas can be purchased for $48 or kitted with DMC for $55 and are available on our website, as well as (if you see that a design is sold out on one site, check the other!).

So, whether you're patiently waiting for a ring (after all... "Size Matters!" 💍), or giggling through the dating journey like me, Needle Nola and MJD hope you enjoy stitching this sweet collection, regardless of where are you are in life!


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